Standardised social impact

Benchmark your programs

At impacted. we are standardising impact measurement so that you can compare your program directly against others in your industry.
This means you can spend less time with fluff metrics and more time doing what you're best at, making an impact.

Metrics that matter

Only using indicators that measure life changing outcomes.

Direct from beneficiaries

Based entirely on beneficiary perspectives.

Standardised testing

Benchmark your programs against one another and the industry average.

How it works

1. Choose from our universal impact or beneficiary satisfaction surveys
**2. Collect data **(gather responses from your beneficiaries)
3. Compare your program to other similar programs
4. Publish your impact report and showcase your wins (with one-click).

Who we are

We are a small team who are passionate about making the aid and development sector more effective. We think the key is linking beneficiary outcomes and donor interests.

Chris Timbs

Kevin Ngyuen

Beck Conway

Eden Conway

Join our waitlist

Be one of the first programs to use benchmarking to measure your impact.We are assembling our first cohort of impact programs. We need a minimum of three programs with a similar focus to begin forming the industry aggregate.